1. The Royal African Society website contains a wealth of information about Africa and related events.

2. Richard Dowden’s blog is a commentary on current topics of interest by the Director of the RAS.

3. The website of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation contains the important Index of African Governance.

4.  African Arguments is a collection of blogs on contemporary African affairs.

5. The International African Institute (IAI) aims to promote the scholarly study of Africa's history, societies and cultures. The institute realizes its aims primarily by means of scholarly publishing.

6. The Humanitarian Centre is an international development network that connects people working in academia, industry, government and charities to develop more effective ways of working together to tackle global poverty and inequality.

7. The Centre of African Studies, University of Cambridge, has a programme of seminars and events in term time. It currently contains the 2016 Audrey Richards Memorial Lecture on  ‘The Uganda Museum and the History of Culture’.

8. The University of Cambridge CAMBRIDGE-AFRICA Programme website is here.

9. The Financial Times thisisafricaonline site presents financial and investment news.

10. The Livingstone Weekly - a blog from Zambia.

11. The Ngoma Project facilitates publication of research into Christianity in Uganda. Read about their first publication - ‘The Ugandan Churches and the Political Centre: Cooperation, Co-option and Confrontation’

12. Goriila Coffee is now available from the  project which Dr. Gladys told us about last year

13. African Society of Cambridge University (ASCU) has regular events, see their Facebook Page

14. .[Re:]Entanglements is a remarkable ethnographic archive of Southern Nigeria and Sierra Leone between 1909 and 1915

15. Animated History of Africa Year by Year - has some errors and omissions but gives a  good overall view.


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